Channel: AskAbigail Productions
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Day of remembrance

Whether you believe in the G-d of Israel or not, something has enabled the Jewish people to survive every attempt at destruction and to continue to thrive for the last three thousand years. Continue...

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Cantor Moshe Kraus Speaks in Winnipeg

Pastor Rudy Fidel and his wife Gina were so impressed with Cantor Kraus’ memoir of his life experiences “Moshele: Der Zinger: How My Singing Saved My Life”, that they organized a week of events for...

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Why does Israel observe Tisha b’Av every year?

Why does the State of Israel and the Jewish people all over the world, continue to observe the National Day of Mourning Tisha B'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the two temples and the Jewish...

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The Journey of Redemption: Bogdan’s Journey: Kielce’s Journey

Bogdan's Journey is about how Bogdan Bialek, a Christian Pole, leads his community of Kielce on the road to acknowledging the townsmen's participation in the massacre of Jews in 1946 and moving forward...

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Five Personal Testimonies: Hungarian Shoah/Holocaust: Jews and non-Jews

Personal Testimonies: Memoirs As part of my work for the Moshe Kraus Project, I have come across these amazing   first-person accounts of people’s experiences before during and after the...

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The Watchmen and Wisdom from the Bat Cave

I was listening to CBC-Q, Tom Powers, yesterday interviewing two talking heads about the HBO series the Watchmen which has become a huge hit (Sunday 9pm EDT). It is based on the KKK attack on the black...

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Why does Israel Continue to Observe Tisha b’Av – the fast day commemorating...

Why does the State of Israel and the Jewish people all over the world, continue to observe the National Day of Mourning Tisha B'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the two temples and the Jewish...

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The Watchmen and Chanukah: What do they have in common?

I was listening to CBC-Q, Tom Powers, yesterday interviewing two talking heads about the HBO series the Watchmen which has become a huge hit (Sunday 9pm EDT). It is based on the KKK attack on the black...

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Why does Israel Continue to Observe Tisha b’Av – the fast day commemorating...

Why does the State of Israel and the Jewish people all over the world, continue to observe the National Day of Mourning Tisha B'Av, which commemorates the destruction of the two temples and the Jewish...

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8th Day of Chanuka: Review for 2019 & Prayer for 2020

Now that you have reviewed these principles, I think you will agree with me that if the world were to take notice of these principles, we could actually come to achieve peace for all mankind, and we...

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Passover in the Time of Covid-19

Jews have commemorated and celebrated this night of the Seder for the last 3000 years, in good times and bad. How will tonight during Covid -19 be different? Continue reading →

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Yom Yerusahalayim, Jerusalem Day

On this day, almost 1900 years after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, the Jews regained sovereignty over the temple mount and the entire city of Jerusalem. What does...

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How the Moshe Kraus Project came to be

We all know the questions: Where was G-d? How was this possible? How did they survive? My own mother, who herself survived the war in Budapest, by working with fake papers, in a small Hungarian beauty...

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The Jewish Lens on World Events

The Jewish nation exists today because it never let go of its rich cultural heritage. In good times and bad... in our legacy texts there is not a subject under the sun that has not been carefully...

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Korach’s Rebellion and the BLM Movement

The parallels that can be drawn between this parsha/portion and the anti-racism riots and demonstrations led by the Black Lives Matter movement happening all over the world are astonishing. Continue...

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How the project came to be

We all know the questions: Where was G-d? How was this possible? How did they survive? My own mother, who herself survived the war in Budapest, by working with fake papers, in a small Hungarian beauty...

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Cantor Moshe Kraus Speaks in Winnipeg (2017)

Pastor Rudy Fidel and his wife Gina were so impressed with Cantor Kraus’ memoir of his life experiences “Moshele: Der Zinger: How My Singing Saved My Life”, that they organized a week of events for...

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The Journey of Redemption: Bogdan and Kielce

Yesterday, I saw an amazing documentary film about the journey of teshuva - Hebrew for repentance or redemption - of an entire community, Kielce, led by a Polish born non-Jewish Prophet, named Bogdan...

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Yom Yerusahalayim (Jerusalem Day) 2020

On this day, almost 1900 years after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, the Jews regained sovereignty over the temple mount and the entire city of Jerusalem. What does...

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Korach’s Rebellion and the BLM Movement

A couple of days ago in synagogues, Jews studied the Torah portion on Korach’s rebellion Numbers 16:1 – 18:32 about Korach leading 250 of the leaders of the Israelites against the authority of Moses...

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