This morning i read several posts on the internet which made me believe that Peace really could come to the Middle East ‘Bheref Eyin” as they say in Hebrew “in the blink of an eye”….
Jews believe that the messianic times will be heralded by univresal peace – ” The lion shall lie down with the lamb”…We are a nationalistic people but we are also a universalist people. We actually espouse both.
We believe in our particularity as the Jewish people: but we also believe in caring about the universe and espousing universal priniciples of peace and brotherhood between nations.
If you had told me yesterday that peace was on the horizon, I would have laughed at you: But this morning I watched several videos which laid out a real plan for peace between the Palestinians, and Israel and Jordan and Egypt and Saudi Arabia and eventually extending to Iraq, the Kurds, Iran and Turkey….
I have been subscribed to Ted Belman’s blog since he started. Lately I have paid more attention to his daily reports which are an amalgam of essays form various sources.
Last night I happened to start watching on his website, his video where he explains the “Jordanian Option”. He lays out the whole history of the Israel Palestine situation starting with Balfour and brings us up to the present. i have to say that I was listening with half an ear last nigtht to all this history (the video is an hour long). But then this morning I listened to the second part of his talk where he lays out the actual plan which is in the process of being implemented with the blessing of the US intelligence services and President Trump and other key players. If you want to be floored, start watching the video at the 46 minute mark. You will be blown away…
I am in Israel now and it is almost the start of the Sukkot holiday. Sukkot i the holiday specifically dedicated to praying for the seventy nations of the world i.e. the whole world.
I am going to enjoy this holiday immensely knowing that this is finally on the verge of happening.
May we all be blessed with peace speedily and in our time..
Abigail Hirsch, filmmaker, blogger